Setting the scene on vitamin D

Setting the scene on vitamin D

Professor Michael Kimlin, Centre for Research Excellence in Sun and Health (CRESH), Australia will chair this afternoon keynote and panel discussion, which asks, should skin cancer prevention programs be concerned about the potential benefits of vitamin D?

Professor Peter Ebeling
Monash University, Australia

  • The current evidence about the known benefits of vitamin D relating to bone health.
  • Role of sunlight versus supplementation.
  • What is the optimal level of exposure/supplementation to maintain healthy bones?

Dist Professor Ian Reid
University of Auckland, New Zealand

  • What is the latest evidence on vitamin D and its contribution to health?

PDF of  Dist Professor Reid’s presentation

Dr Sara Gandini
European Institute of Oncology, Italy

  • What is the relationship between vitamin D, melanoma and NMSC and all-cause mortality?

PDF of  Dr Gandini’s presentation

Sue Heward
Cancer Council Victoria, Australia

  • Skin cancer prevention/Vitamin D awareness – the balancing act of managing media and public queries