Terry Slevin

Education and Research Director, Cancer Council Western Australia

Terry Slevin

Education and Research Director, Cancer Council Western Australia


The best cancer is the one you never get. We are clearly making progress in skin cancer prevention in Australia and I am lucky enough to have been working in the field long enough to see that success reflected in hard outcomes like reductions in melanoma incidence and mortality in younger age groups in Western Australia.

There is no magic in cancer prevention. It involves a long term commitment, hard work and persistence.  A focus on evidence based communication and advice, and strategically influencing policy are the two most important keys to success. Collaborating with like-minded souls and quite a bit of patience helps too.

Terry Slevin is currently the Education and Research Director, at Cancer Council Western Australia where he has worked since 1994. He holds a Masters in Public Health and an Honours degree in Psychology, and is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Psychology and Speech Pathology at Curtin University

He is Editor of “Sun, Skin and Health,” a book on skin cancer aimed at the general public published  by CSIRO Publishing in 2014.  He has served as Vice President of the Public Health Association Australia, and has worked in public health and health promotion since 1984.

He is responsible for a wide range of cancer prevention and early detection programs in Western Australia, has been involved in a number of UICC projects over the past five years and has a particular interest in ensuring Cancer Societies share learnings and resources, specifically providing support for low and middle income countries.

All session by Terry Slevin

Morning panel discussion and Q&A

09:00 - 10:30
Deakin Edge, Fed Square