Professor Michael Kimlin, Centre for Research Excellence in Sun and Health (CRESH), Australia will chair this afternoon keynote and panel discussion, which asks, should skin cancer prevention programs be concerned about the potential benefits of vitamin D?
Professor Adèle Green, QIMR Berghofer Medical Reserach Institute, Australia, will chair this afternoon keynote and panel discussion, which asks, based on the two unique opportunities we have had in Australia and Germany, what are the big questions we need to answer going forward?
Jerril Rechter, CEO, VicHealth will provide the opening remarks for the final day of the conference. Terry Slevin, Cancer Council Western Australia, will chair the morning panel discussion and Q&A, which asks, how can we best engage governments and funding agencies to see skin cancer prevention as an important public health investment?
Craig Sinclair, Cancer Council Victoria, Australia, will chair this closing session, featuring the Hon. Jill Hennessy, Minister for Health; Professor Adèle Green; Professor Grant McArthur; and Jay Allen.
Jay Allen
Professor Adèle Green
Professor Grant McArthur
E-posters will be on display throughout Days 1 and 2 of the Conference.